Monday, December 20, 2010


Daily guidance to good works after and under loving Christ...
Conclusion to pondering life, purpose and lifestyle. 

If eternal life is knowing God in Jesus, and if Jesus brought God glory on earth by completing the work He was given to do, then it is fair to conclude that I have eternal life through knowing God in Christ and I will bring Him glory on earth by completing the work He is giving me to do (John 17:3-4, Ephesians 2:10).

His commands are to love Him and love my neighbour - but how can I love God if I don't know God? Without knowledge and intimacy, there is no appreciation, enthralment, praise and value. 

I want to know God - his works, words and HIM. Only through knowing Him can I love Him, or else my love is unfounded and blind. You do not love one you do not know, but hold in your heart's dearest place the people you know best. I want to know Christ, and treasure Him in my heart's deepest room of adoration, intimacy and life-long fascination.

I want to love my neighbour and know them - personality, loves and dislikes, their fears and dreams, and make all these things precious and protected for their sake. Love is listening. Love is responsive both in the presence of the Object and after. 

To love God first, and love others second, and to daily seek God's guidance towards the good works He planned in advance for me to do, this is purpose. 

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Relying on the Vine

I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. John 15:5

I've never known what this verse means, and still wonder. If anyone has any wisdom, I'd love to hear it! Trailing through formerly reliable websites for sermons also have not yielded any fruit, 'scuse the pun. 

However, this verse has cropped up (there's another one) many times in the last week or 2, and this morning it is the verse for the day, and so I think God is bringing this verse to the fore for a reason. 

Today's reflection on this verse majors on the latter part... apart from Me you can do nothing. I know this so vividly, especially today when my mood is sour, my outlook is as grey as the drizzly sky, and in the pit of my being I wish I was in bed watching Brothers and Sisters. I know that today (as any day), I need Christ to work in and through me, for my offering today is very small. I can bring very little, I have little love to show, and my enthusiasm is barely a mustard seed. Good job the omnipotent Friend is on the case, and I pray He will take over my body, mind and spirit to make today valuable and meaningful. Not least because today is the final day of holiday club with 40-50 local girls whose lives are unimaginable to me. It is party day, of fun, gifts and special times. Dourness is not befitting.

Frankly, I find this verse encouraging today - if I am a branch living through the food, water and strength of the vine, that's fine with me! And today God's grace is teaching me very powerful that these words are true. On a good day, I am prone to forgetfulness, today it is clear I must depend on God. I can do, offer, give nothing of worth, but God will make good, and His Spirit will lift mine to fulfil the good works He has prepared for me to do today. 

And so... over to you God.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Does it pay to visit vermin?

“Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.” (James 1:27) 

An article by John Piper
Local businessmen in Brazil call them “vermin.” Garbage. “If we let them grow up, they will be criminals, a blight on our society.” There are an estimated twelve million homeless children on the streets of Brazil. Their parents lost them in the crowds, put them out, died. However they got there, they are there. They beg, they steal, they sell their bodies. They eat garbage. They start scared and end scarred, hard, and dead.
Some policemen and others moonlight by contracting to kill street children so that they will not menace the city. In 1992 an average of four hundred of these children were killed monthly in Brazil. It’s the same in other big cities. The Philippine government estimates that there are fifteen thousand child prostitutes in Manila between the ages of nine and twelve. One estimate suggests that in Thailand there are eight hundred thousand girls between twelve and sixteen years old involved in prostitution.
Is your first thought merely human? Like, “If I can barely rear my own children to walk worthy of the gospel, what hope would there be to change the lives of these street kids?” Or, “If it takes ten thousand dollars’ worth of Christian counseling to stabilize a mature American Christian who was sexually abused, what in the world would we do with thousands of adolescents who knew nothing but abuse and lawlessness and violence on the streets?” Do you find yourself looking (in good American fashion) at the bottom line and saying, “The turnaround on this investment would not be good”? Or, “The growth potential in planting churches among street kids is not very great. There are too many obstacles.”
Shift your thinking a minute (or a lifetime). What about the widow who put in her last two pennies? Jesus said she gave more than anyone (Luke 21:3). What about John the Baptist who lost his head on a dancer’s whim and never did a miracle? Jesus said, “Among those born of women there has arisen no one greater than John” (Matthew 11:11, RSV). What about the poor in spirit? Theirs is the kingdom of heaven. What about the meek? They inherit the earth. What about those who receive one child in the name of Jesus? At that moment they receive God (Mark 9:37). What effect does it have on your longings when you think that God says true religion is to visit orphans (James 1:27)?
The effect it has on me is to make me want to love like Jesus loved and not always be thinking of the earthly payoff. Face it. A few kids are cute, but most street kids will be thankless, rude, dirty, diseased, scar-faced, shifty-eyed, lice-infested, suspicious, smelly, and have rotten teeth. If we minister mainly for the earthly payoff, we will burn out in a year.
Jesus did not say, “True religion is converting orphans.” He did not say, “True religion is making orphans mature and successful adults.” He said, “True religion is visiting orphans.” Results are God’s business alone. Obedience is ours by His grace. More specifically, by faith in future grace. Perhaps when we grasp this, we will be freed from our earthbound way of thinking and released to minister to the ones who are least likely to thank us.