The birthday bonanza at Rally (see my last post) remains such a highlight from 2013. Buying my gorgeous, warm, happy and homely flat has been a massive plus. Driving to Peterborough in 1 hour and 12 mins on a regular basis to see the Norton clan has made the 4 1/2 hour commute to Devon seem wonderfully distant (in space and time). Discovering that bread and chocolate are big triggers for my headaches has been, believe it or not, a really good find. Not only for cutting out food which is, let's face it, not always great, but also for realigning my go-to position when things get a bit much. Chocolate, however, has been quickly replaced with other sugary snacks!
There is a LOT to be thankful for.
A reflection to all those who may be staggering towards 30, let me comfort you that this year has been awesome! You may disagree with this notion, but I am finding a real freedom to be open, honest and unapologetic about things I actually really like. As I get older, I care less about how people perceive me and the way I live my life. I know that a lot is kept secret between God and me, and there is no need to explain to others... unless they earn the right. So, yes, I enjoy reading books about World War 2, and I love listening to 1940s music over and over again. I love watching The Princess Diaries and have even taken up knitting. My heart feels fullest, and life makes most sense when I am feeling desperately uncomfortable helping out in social justice ministries. I love cleaning wipes (both the lemon-kitchen type, and facial) and fairy lights. I love my mum and call her most days. I really like drinking wine, but find it tricky to finish a bottle before it starts going... urgh. I love Glee.

And so, roll on 2014 and turning 31. Sure, life is not how I predicted it would be, but I think God has made it fuller and better than I would have planned for myself. He is good, and we can march into next year trusting in His goodness, His faithfulness and His love. Happy Christmas!