I am not a single woman. I am just a girl loved by Christ, living for Him and enjoying my life. I am not waiting for ultimate fulfilment by getting married, but am living for Christ with Christ today.
I do not have girl-parts for my elusive, future husband, but because I am made a woman. I do not wish to dream of a day where I am somehow more than I am now. I will live today with God, obeying Him and doing all I can to fulfil His purpose for me now. Jesus did not say He gives fuller life to the married! In fact, 1 Corinthians 7 suggests that by not being married, you can be more committed to Him alone, a passage I once detested but now seems peacefully mine. I can venture with Christ without looking back or to the side. And this is ok, Christ is enough.
And so, I beg you, do not feel bad for me. Please do not box me in a sad and soggy container called ‘single’ and please appreciate that God’s calling for me may not be marriage and family, but maybe something different. Every time you look on with pity mixed with hope, and say ‘when you are married’, you belittle the day God has given me today. He does not necessarily intend for everyone to be married! History is littered with people who did something else and changed the face of the world. Missing God’s purpose would be far worse than missing out on marriage.
I want to be a woman found in the throne room of God, arms outstretched and heart fully open to the Lover of my soul. And if a man comes looking and finds me there, and wants to join me, then God-willing, he may.
I want to be a woman found in the throne room of God, arms outstretched and heart fully open to the Lover of my soul. And if a man comes looking and finds me there, and wants to join me, then God-willing, he may.
Do not misunderstand me, there is a part of me which craves love, romance, marriage and children. I am not underestimating the joy and responsibility of creating a home and raising a family. It is an awesome, Godly and joy-filled calling from the Lord. But it is a responsibility for some not all.
Thank God that He has made us unique, and through this blend of unique people, He will achieve His purposes in the world. I am glad to be a part.